Jesus, John 7:37
sounds so simple. H20 - two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. This substance
also known as water, is one of the most essential elements to health.”
From the Importance of Water,
water everywhere,
any drop to drink.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the
Ancient Mariner.
water we would die. In fact, while we can fast from food for long periods of
time, death will overtake us in a matter of a few days if we have no
water. Two-thirds of our body weight is
water and our brain is 95% water and our blood is 82%. Even mild dehydration
will cause us to feel achy and our thinking will become fuzzy or cloudy.
And yet
Jesus says that those believing in Him will have rivers of living water flowing
out of their hearts. What does this mean? Even before this passage He was
speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well on the same topic:
you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you
would have asked Him, and He would have given you living waters.”
─Jesus, John 4:10
Jesus is speaking metaphorically; He is not literally saying that all of the
sudden an Amazonian river is going to burst out of a person’s heart for ever
more, drenching everything in that person’s path. And yet, that is exactly what
He’s saying.
How do I
mean? Let’s continue further in the first Scripture reference.
this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive;
for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
John 7:39
The Bible
clearly explains that Jesus is not talking of literal water, but is instead
saying that the Holy Spirit in a person’s life will flow like a river. When was the last time you visited a
riverside? My youngest son and I did just that a few weeks ago by sitting on
bench only ten feet from the banks of the Willamette River. The river just
flowed. Birds floated on the top and rocks sank into its depths. It moved
obstacles of tree debris and flowed around obstacles of bridge support pillars.
But it just kept moving at its own pace and in its own strength. I couldn’t
rush it, or stop it, or any way control it—it just flowed where it willed. It
flowed with great grace and beauty, and equally great strength.
Is this what
Jesus was referring to in regard to the living waters of the Holy Spirit’s flow
in our lives?
Life and
aspects of water include life, for without water, we would die, plants would
die, animals would die; in fact, all the life on the planet would die,
including oceans drying up and mountains lying bare of snow. No water would turn the earth into nothing
but a large, whirling rock.
Could this
also be what Jesus was referring to? Without the Holy Spirit our lives would be
equally barren? Or thinking on a more global basis, without the Holy Spirit’s
presence on earth, the barrenness of mankind would be its undoing. This is
explored in the Book of Revelation—but that’s another blog.
Water also
gives a refreshing and a thirst-quenching satisfaction. Ever water a wilting
plant? What happens? The plant perks up.
What about drinking some water after a long bout of heated exertion, whether
working in the yard in 90 degree August heat or running a 10K? The water
refreshes a parched palette like nothing else can.
Is this what
Jesus is referring to? I think Jesus is referring to all of these aspects. In
the working of the Holy Spirit there’s beauty and power; there’s flee-flowing
ease and the bringing down of barriers; there’s a lushness and zest for life; there’s
satisfaction and refreshing. Jesus, our multifaceted Savior, is rendering a
simple metaphor to explain the fathomless depth of the gift of Holy Spirit. But
notice that He doesn’t explain the Holy Spirit as a tyrant or despot, but
sometimes, due our failure to yield to the Holy Spirit, others perceive the
Holy Spirit as just that because they see our failures. When we let our Self
get in the way of the Holy Spirit and do things in our own power, we usually wind
up being a poor witness.
Walking by
the Spirit
But a heart
fully yielded to the Holy Spirit will indeed resemble living waters and not
tyranny. This person will be a
refreshing to other people, a salve to hurting souls, and will lead people to
the harbor of deliverance, salvation in Jesus Christ.