Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unbelievers and Gardens

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6, NKJV). 

All the theology I’ve read about this verse indicates that it is God Who gives the increase; God draws unbelievers to Himself.  I often have to remind myself of this as I sit with other church leaders in discussions about reaching the community for Christ. 

But what is the motivation of reaching the community?  Perhaps our limited result in reaching others for Christ has been because our motivation has been wrong.  Maybe we’ve put too much pressure on ourselves in thinking that we draw people to God.  For example, I find myself getting easily angry at people for posting critical comments about Christianity on their Facebook page, but who am I to question them?  I don’t know their backgrounds or who has hurt them in the name of Jesus.  And what does that anger accomplish in the first place—nothing but driving a deeper wedge between me and them. 

So instead of trying to figure out some blistering response to their postings, perhaps I should instead pray for wisdom by asking God how to respond, if I need to respond at all.  The Book of James states “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (1:5).  If I’m getting angry at someone for a comment, then I ought to interpret the anger as a signal that I’m lacking wisdom in that situation; because responding out of anger will only make things worse.  My job is asking God how I can plant or water rather than thinking I need to somehow talk them out of their animosity toward Christianity and convince them to convert. 

I don’t force a garden to grow, but I do water it and cultivate the soil.  How similar is the soil of a garden to the soul of a person?  Both need nurture and encouragement.  We don’t stomp through our garden as it’s beginning to grow, why would we want to stomp through the soul of a person? 

How does this apply to reaching a broader community for Christ?  All I can suggest is leaning deeper into God’s wisdom for planting and watering and then getting out of the way as God gives the increase. 

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