Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Being Prayed For by Others

Over the last few weeks a number of people have asked how I’m doing (see my previous entry, What Happened?).  Thankfully, I am able to respond that I’m fully recovered. In fact, all the tests I’ve had from a CAT scan, to an MRI to an EEG all show normal (though some of my friends may contest this). All I can say is, “Praise God!”  This is such a huge relief because the doctors were conjecturing there may be some mass (i.e., a tumor) in my brain or I had suddenly developed a seizure disorder (can that actually happen at 49?).  But God in His mercy has spared me from these; it was most likely a combination of hypoglycemia and exposure to noxious fumes.  In other words, I fainted! (What a manly thing to do in the fertilizer aisle, at least I have a nice scar to show for my manly effort!)

What’s interesting, though, is through my recovery I never really feared any test results, I wasn’t dwelling on the “what ifs” and I truly sensed the peace of Christ ruling in my heart (see Colossians 3:15).  Sure, my Bride and I prayed much during my recovery, but what’s more, many other people were praying for me as well.  And while it may sound strange to some, I actually sensed their prayers; it was like a supernatural blanket of warmth continually caressing my soul.  It reminds me of James 5:16b:

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  

Also Ephesians 6:18:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

Prayer is so multi-faceted that I dare say we take it too much for granted.  Earnest, heart-felt prayer unleashes Holy Spirit power in ways we are hard pressed to understand.  Jesus dedicated countless hours to prayer, and He taught the Apostles to do the same.  The sheer number of references to prayer in the New Testament ought to get our attention.  And through my little fainting mishap, I learned a little more about prayer myself, but this time not as the one who prays, but instead, as the one being prayed for.  It’s hard to explain, but it’s real; like the old Newsboys song says, “It’s a Spirit thing.” 

Indeed, it is!  And it’s available to anyone who has trusted their heart to Jesus Christ.  Such a relationship is a heartbeat away, for as Paul and Silas said to the Philippian jailer in Acts 16:30-31 when he asked:

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.”

No other work is required; placing your trust in Christ invites the new birth of the Holy Spirit into your life and secures an eternal destiny with Jesus in Heaven. No longer will you have to fear going to Hell because Jesus Christ now holds you tightly and nothing and no one will cause Him to lose His grip on your soul (see John 10:29-30).  And just one of the countless blessings we receive from Christ, is being the recipient of prayers prayed by fervent brothers and sisters who have concern for others. 

Come, and join the family of Christ if you haven’t already. 

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